If you do not like WordPress you are crazy. I am not trying to be offensive, I just tell it like it is. If you do not love WordPress, you might need to look for some help. In hopes of being politically correct, you may not be "crazy" but you definitely have some "issues". In fact not using WordPress could have led you down the road to a psychotic episode!
Do not believe me?
Well let's break it down by taking a look at some of the warning signs of acute Psychosis.
1. Odd or Bizarre Behavior – Well, not liking WordPress definitively fits into this category. If you are sitting around updating your old HTML site I can not think of anything more odd or bizarre. Are you trying to get your static website to the top of Google? Then you are even weirder than I thought.
2. Excessive Writing Without Meaning – You could write all day – but how much of a pain in the butt will it be to give that writing meaning? How are you gonna get a days worth of writing on your old HTML site? You gonna download the page to write on, add your text with Dreamweaver and then upload it? I think this is a clear sign you are on the verge of a psychological episode.
3. Agitation – Updating a website that is NOT on the WordPress platform will get you more agated than you can imagine. Want to so some site wide design changes … well that agitation will be bordering on complete rage if you are not careful!
4. Severe deterioration of social relationships – Have you noticed no web traffic? Have you noticed that no one is submitting your website to social networks? How are those social media integration plugins going for you? Ohhhh yeah that's right, you are not on WordPress so you do not get handy tools designed for social media integration.
5. Significant Drop in Motivation – Hey, who can blame you? Your website sets there doing nothing, it is a chore to update and it looks like crap. How can you motivate yourself when you are stuck dealing with those issues.
These are 5 real life signs you are on the verge of a psychological episode. In fact, it might already be too late! Luckily there is a cure. All you have to do is move your site to the WordPress platform. You will immediately notice your symptoms begin to fade before they eventually disappear forever.
Note: This article was meant to be taken with a grain of salt. There is no real link between mental illness and WordPress. However if you are not using WordPress you will always seem crazy to me.
Source by T. Payne