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Why WordPress? What Is It?

WordPress is for Everyone

WordPress is a content management software (CMS) that enables one to create a website or blog. It was initially developed as a basic blog engine, but has been fully upgraded and customized for website creation. It's an open source blogging tool, meaning its source code is readily available, and comes free of charge. It can there before be downloaded at no extra cost. A Content Management System CMS is an application that provides you with an interface to author, administrator, and publish content in the web. It was entirely built using PHP and MySQL, and features thousands of themes, templates and plugins that fully customize your site to your preferences.

Why WordPress?

Ease of use

This is actually one of its strongest features. WordPress has a friendly user interface that is easy to use. As long as you have general computer skills, little Internet skills, then you are good to go. Also, there are many online forums, tutorials and documents that offer assistance on how to use WordPress.

Ever growing

WordPress is an open source project with hundreds and hundreds of contributors. The minds behind this project are there ever ever working to upgrade and improve its functionality. Initially, WordPress began as a blog engine, but with time, it has evolved to become a fully website creation tool. Infact, a recent research that was conducted by Google showed that WordPress comes first as the fastest growing content management software, followed by Joomla and Drupal.

Ease of optimization

WordPress trades quite fairly when it comes to search engine optimization. Provided your content is unique, has quality back links, and has appropriate keywords, then your website has the potential to rank highest in major search engines. Also, the code behind your WordPress blog or website is quite simple, since making it simple for search engines to index your website's content.

Thousand of Themes

The appearance of a website is so important. Nobody wants to visit a site that looks like a word document. This platform has close to 2500 themes that control the appearance of your website. These themes are professionally designed to catch the attention anyone.


This platform comes with thousands of plugins, each giving you the ability to perform a different technical task in an easier manner. Other plugins such as Buddypress turn your website into a social site.

Mobile applications

WordPress can not only be accessed through a computer screen, but also on smaller devices such as mobile devices. This is because it has mobile responsive coding that allows mobile users to view their sites via mobile devices. It automatically adjusts to mobile settings when one opens its site via a mobile device.

With these and more features, WordPress remains to be one of the best content management systems today.

Source by Aaron Autrey

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