WordPress for Beginners: Starting a Web Page or Blog Using WordPress: WordPress is a free software program that anyone can use to build and maintain a website or blog. Originally intended as an easy way to set up a blog, WordPress today is also used for starting a web page.
WordPress is not only free to use, but has evolved since 2003 into an intuitive easy to use platform. It gives users incredible flexibility in how to structure their web pages. WordPress can be used for so many different things; blogs, niches sites (big or small), membership sites, sales pages, etc. The possibilities are almost endless!
What is the difference? WordPress is available in two forms: WordPress.com and WordPress.org. However, there are many who are confused between these two. To clarify this, WordPress.com is free for anyone to use and blogs are hosted by them. However, as it is free, there are limits. While, WordPress.org provides the software, it does not host your blog on the Internet. It will there before be necessary for you to find a separate hosting provider as well as purchase a domain name for your blog. However this way provides maximum flexibility and customization for you blog.
When Starting a Web Page, which WordPress would be best for Beginners to Use? It can be confusing for as both look very much the same. These are the main pros and cons for both types:
WordPress.com Pros:
- It's free and easy to set up
- Everything is taken care of: setup, upgrades, spam, backups, security, etc
- Your blog is on servers managed by WordPress.com
- Posts are automatically backed up
- "Blogs of the day" provides extra traffic
- WordPress.com Cons :
- Whilst there are hundreds of themes, you can not run a custom theme with basic WordPress.com
- Can not upload plugins
- Can not change the PHP code behind your blog for basic WordPress.com
- URL can look more cumbersome (eg: ExampleBlogSite.WordPress.com)
- WordPress.org Pros:
- Can upload themes
- Can upload plugins
- Can change code if you're technically minded
- Having own domain name is neater (eg: ExampleBlogSite.com)
- Content is yours and can not be removed from the web
WordPress.org Cons
- Whilst it can be inexpensive, there are added costs of having a web host
- Added costs of purchasing own domain name
- Requires more technical knowledge to set up and run
- Own responsibility for maintenance including back-ups, spam filters and software upgrades
WordPress for Beginners – Recommendation: Even if you are inexperienced, WordPress.org is the better one to use when starting a web page. The site would look better than a url point of view as you will have your domain name of choice, and not a more cumbersome one with WordPress.com at the end. You need to consider your long-term objectives. If you just want it for casual posting of photos or infentent entries, use WordPress.com. If you want it to build a business online, however small, then WordPress.org is the way to go given its extra flexibility.
Source by Morgan H